India's leading telecom operator has announced its new offer which is valid only for prepaid user and it comes up with new data plan.
According to new plan,Airtel offer Ra.349 plan to give 1.5GB 4G data per day with unlimited calls at local/STD with 3000text messages and validity is only 28days..Airtel user can recharge of its new plan Rs.448 which comes with 1GB of 3G/4GB data per day with unlimited calls and STD calls.On other hand Jio gives the same offer at Rs.459 with validity of 84days.
But after entering Jio in telecom market it gives good offer which is also called by us killer offer.Jio comes with free offer which gives us unlimited data,unlimited calls and unlimited messages. Now Jio has make a huge crowd over the lakhs of customer in India in one year only.Its a huge number of counts.
Recently Jio also has announced its killer offer on diwali which offers a 100% cashback offer on Rs.399plan which is ended and now airtel also offer same cashback offer to its customer at recharge of Rs.349.
Coming to another telecom operator Vodafone and idea,Vodafone recently launched its new offer with same benefits with 84days validity at Rs.496 and idea also announced it's new offer with same benefits at Rs.498.It is also expected that Vodafone and idea can be merge together at 2018.let's see what the company will launched after merging.
Despite from all this offer,airtel flagship offer is 300GB data with unlimited calls for 360 days as like as 1year.Under this offer,user will get 300GB data with unlimited calls for 360 days and 100 SMS per day at Rs.3,999.There is no limit to use data that depends on user that they use 360GB data on one day or use it slowly to end with 360days.
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